Grand Order of the Irish Cunt

Cunnus Hibernicis Ordine Magnum

Grand Order of the Irish Cunt

All those who are honoured by Irish Cunts are entitled to wear the medal of the Grand Order of the Irish Cunt and to use the title Cunt before their name, e.g. Cunt Michael O’Leary


  1. Beezer

    Please send me a medal of the Grand Order of the Irish Cunt. I want to wear it to remind me always of those f—–n cunts that finally destroyed our lovely land. This is the second time in 100 years- first the civil war and now by economic treason. String them all up.

  2. Beezer

    Where’s me medal for The Grand Order of The Irish Cunt. I’m waiting since March and man I’m getting pissed off waiting. Don’t have me come up there or I will definitely f…k you and will produce an abomination. The cunts are still here-what’s wrong with the fighting Irish-they have totally lost their balls-soon they will want to force us to actually go back to Church- and pay 10% (a tithe) of whatever is left of your hard earned cash.
    Cuntegan o Seananagain

    • Cunegan O Shananagain

      I wonder would anyone out there be interested in my new political party-The NON Workers Party. You would never have to work again and would get everything for nothing from the members of The Grand Order of the Irish Cunts. Sweet

  3. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    Good news on the jobs front:
    New scheme: digging holes and filling them in again-
    they got this idea from the Brits.
    Great news that we are exiting the bailout
    We only owe 300 billion now and still rising.
    Quote Noonan”Who gives a fuck, we will be
    long gone when this has to be paid”
    And all our own people will be in Australia
    and the East Europeans will have to pay,
    they won’t protest.

  4. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    I am setting up a new charity, Cuntegan O Shananagain Limited
    Don’t send anything yet because I haven’t decided how much
    my salary will be including topups or how much TV advertising I will need to do at peak times to tug at your heartstrings, at tens of thousands of
    euro per campaign, or what is the newest petrol guzzling car I would need.
    The cunt list is growing by the day and I want some of the action.

    • Cuntegan o shananagain

      Yes the list is growing-nuns throwing babies into septic tanks (just wonder now if they were all dead), the police saying “nothing to see here”, (to much bother) ,government saying they will thoroughly investigate -will this be the same as the cover up of all the dead children in Letterfrack- and finally ourselves who allowed this to happen.

      • Cuntegan O Sheananagain

        What the fuck -paying for wather-no fucking way Hose.
        Why dont they just castrate all the men-then we wont have any kids-no nappies,no child minding, no school books,no free under 6 healtcare,no free education,no Junior or Leaving Cert. no emigration to Australia and Canada. Dont worry about the workforce-plenty of East Europeans and Africans. They will come here with enough education to do the few jobs and then die and more will come. Simples you cunnys.

  5. Cuntegan O Sheananagain

    The EU will give the Greeks any amount of dosh now to pretend that there is no crisis. (Kicking the can down the road its called.) But there is , and when England pulls out after the referendum ( the EU ministers actually might bribe the Brits this time to stay in) then Spain and Portugal what will the cuntocracy do here. Either way in the next 10 years we will be forced to go in with the Brits-32 Counties will be part of the deal. Then the British army will have to come over again to put manners on the Orange lads.

    • Beezer

      Where did that blittheren cunny O Donohoe come from-hes always on the news rantin about something else that the insufferable pompous git Gay “i have an add on tv about looking out for motorcycles because i ride a motorcycle” Byrne told him to say about cars going too fast and we need to put the car speed limit down to 2 miles per hour-who the fuck is paying for the roads with allsorts of taxes anyway-not the cyclists who illegally cycle the wrong way down or up one way streets-weave in a out of car traffic hoping to get smashed up so they can sponge a few thousand off the motorists insurance-and they dont pay a penny-always creeping out of sideroads -always driving on roads that are too narrow for both car and cycles-cycling on footpaths-new laws out but cyclists and pedestrians dont need to obey the law anyway. A lot of politicians cycle to work-they leave the (most expensive) petrol guzzling car to the wife to tear around all day shopping.

      • Cuntegan O Shananagain

        What the fuck is this new bollocks of doing everything the last minute. “Oh we will have to work right through the night, or maybe even tomorrow or because we have so much of the banking inquiry stuff to go through”Why didnt they do the work earlier they had six months- Pure scam to pretend it is worth five million. Its actually worth fuck all as no-one can be done for it. Then the cunnys meeting overnight about flooding. Then today Kenny with his sore throat-why didnt he stay in bed-no he has to act the hero and come out croaking and squaking. Why dont these guys stop this childish carry on and get something bad and die.
        This year was the worst yet for this shitting and shiteing. For fuck sake please go away and dont come back.

      • Cuntegan O Shananagain

        What about the fughing brass neck of those cunnys charging huge road tax and expect us to ride on shite roads. Not alone that but the cunny councils have speed bumps everywhere now smashing suspensions. The ignorant cunts in the council want us to walk to work-fuck them.

  6. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    Why did those cunnys in the Dail and Seanad bother cumming back after their nine months shitting and shiteing while forming the weakest excuse for a government ever. They are never in the dail anyway except budget day when Noonan was “shaking his head” whilst reading the “giveaways”-a real load of crap-fuck all for you and me and now a big increase for themselves. I think he should fuck off now before someone lobs a handful of cowshite on his scabby head.
    Kenny now says he will go again for Taoiseach-but as I said before it will not matter because I predict unprecedented turmoil ahead and when that happens he will run for the hills of Kerry anyway-making another burden on the state-another cunny with three or four pensions-god help us all. Fianna Fail are saddled now by Fine Gael forever-after nearly 100 years of civil war politics they will make at least two or three more governments happen before Sinn Fein takes over. In the meantime the poor will get poorer and the rich richer. It looks already like most Independents are crawthumping to the failed system too. There are a few holding out and saying it like it is though. In any case keep bumbling on ye cunnys. Big changes are a cummin. Yee-Haw

  7. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    I was watching telly last night and saw John Brutal pathetically trying to argue against everyone else on the show. I think it’s time that cunny was sent to Jurassic Park along with Noonan before they crumble into ashes. What can they offer to a modern society seeing as they survived for the last hundred years fighting a civil war, (and nearly started another one in the 70s) with Fianna Fáil. They know of no other way. It’s time all that was changed and we stop living in that awful past of religious abusers and political hatred. All values we were taught was a load of cobblers. The only ones hanging on to to that shite today are those on big money and perks-and they want more.

    • Cuntegan O Shananagain

      The scutther is about to hit the fan -the bitter civil war enemies are now all palsy walsy and running the cuntry into the ground. Better still they are doing fuck all.
      Bus Eireann will go at last into receivership-the government will pay all redundancies with the sell off of the buses and bus and rail properties. No more free travel. At the same time (tandem) the cars will be driven off the road with speeding and parking fines and penalty points. The bicycle will take over until the utter bollocks leaders think “there are less cars around, my god we are losing millions on taxes-fuck”.
      Maybe we will go back to the ass and cart-and the pig in the dining area. it may make the ignorant cunnys that run the show happy at last.

      • Cuntegan O Shananagain

        I wonder did that cunny Noonan see (in Business Barometer) all the business in Receivership,Liquidation,Struck Off and Strike Off Listed in the last weeks. About half the smaller business around in 2008 are now closed and I predict the other half are shaky because the man on the street has fuck all money to spend -what with all the increases in health and car insurances and all sorts of new charges. The taxman under Noonans “expert guidance” has done a fair bit of damage too-unless you are like Apple,Yahoo etc,who combined now pay 40% (which is a fraction of what they owe) of Corporation Tax. In 2008 small business paid 85% of corpo tax -now its 50%. Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are closing the cuntry down-they want to get rid of the small shops-especially Fine Gael-the BIG SHOTS PARTY. They closed it down many times before since the pointless Civil War which I saw recently that Dev said “WAS A MISTAKE”. The only hope now is to vote Sinn Fein and see can they can squeeze more out of the filthy rich 5% who own 95% of the wealth. Bastards
        Yee Haa all ye cunts.

  8. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    Got a few demands from the revenue cunts today. God knows they need every penny they can get because this cuntry is on its last legs-soon everyone will stop paying anything and all will go for insolvency-the hard pressed worker has had it and will not tolerate much more. The cuntry was fucked over the last 100 years by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. Civil war mongers who conned the people between them, and still do it every day. I see Kenny pulled out and then Noonan-it’s a bad omen. I predict,like Kenny, the army surrounding the banks soon-to stop you getting your own money. Noonan wont be “shaking his head”because he won’t have any head. Obviously he knows the writing is on the wall for dear old Ireland. Britain may save us and take us over again. I don’t know why they bother seeing as we try to blow their arses off every chance we get. What a fucking scenario.

  9. cuntegan o shananagain

    I had to laugh when I heard that Kenny appointed a judge just before he handed over to Veradker. He reminded me of a long ago memory of a cunt in school that would hide around the corner until four or five lads pinned me to the ground. The cunt would run over then and grab me by the balls and make me squeal. The other lads then let go and hope that I would kick the shit out of same cunt when I caught him. I knew Kenny would leave a bitter mess-like the 100 years mess of the civil war. Theres no place in Ireland for these guys anymore. I hope he fucks off with Noonan to Europe and join the most hated cunt that ever walked -Blithirin Hogan.
    Yee Haa all ye cunts.

    • Cuntegan o shananagain

      New laws on the way concerning cyclists. Overtaking cars must allow 1.5 metres to cyclists. Im getting a piece of sharp barbed steel and attaching it to my new bike. It will stick out 1.5m-maybe I will put on one each side and also stick one on at the back and front to make sure those roadhog bastards dont infringe on my fuppin space whilst I am cycling. I saw Blitherin Eamonn Ryan on telly last night-an insufferable cunt if there ever was one-he bumbled on about PEOPLE that walk and cycle must be protected as if the car driver was an alien and drove around aiming their cars at pedestrians and cyclists. He must have been knocked down at some stage because of his obvious brain injury. Anyway look out yis cunts- Im a cummin with my new upgraded wheels.
      Yee Haa

      • Cuntegan o shananagain

        Another lying cunt trying to make a name for himself is Richard Brutal-a dinosaur of biblical proportions. He latest is bullying teachers-like the other mofo Quinn. It didnt work for Quinn -he got something bad and had to retire-and I hope Brutal gets something worse thats incurable and suffers a horrible death. He is a stuttering cunt of the highest order and a medal os on its way.
        Yee Haa Brutal-fuck you

  10. cuntegan o shananagain

    Well would’nt you know-the cunnys in government are still on holidays-all over the cuntry with the peasants licking their arses and balls -in smaller town and villages-thats where most of them came from anyway and apparently crave to go back there to show off to their friends who continuously and foolishly put them into power all the time. They cannot help it-they are brainwashed from birth by church and state-and a state that put Irishman against Irishman.
    Their system is and was a totally civil service system and another poorer group on social protection-there’s nothing else and the civil service pays for it all. Why then would same civil service vote for anyone else only these civil war mongers-for all time. No change ever. That is until each individual cops on and look outside of these dinosaurs. Maybe its worth a try-actually its your duty to your children to get rid of a crowd of wankers that despised one another for nearly 100 years-blueshirts and all that-and now are apparently palsy walsy-JUST TO STAY IN POWER. Thats what its all about. What have these cunns done since they were elected-NOTHING.! This shower of lacksters are doing NOTHING-they cannot do anything because they fear another election which would get rid of half of them. My advice to Sinn Fein is to permanently stay in opposition. Leave the Palsy Walsies in power-inevitably they will hang themselves.

  11. Cuntegan O Shananagan

    A few gusts of wind and a few showers ( RTE had a field day and showed Salthill constantly. It was the only bit of flooding around and brought the cuntry to a standstill. This area floods every time there is wind and a high tide.) What a shower of pansies Fine Gael are. Of course Veradkar have a team of Spin merchants now for five million and they got the full day showing their new emergency S (for shit) team-more jobs for the boys I have no doubt. This was sheer publicity for the imminent election-a full days advertising for the Blueshirt Communists in the making. It was even worse when they ordered the schools close for the following day-the sunniest we got this year. Parents had to make arrangements to facilitate child minders in a hurry. Does that stutterin fucker Dick Brutal, who wants be 💚❤️💕by the peasants, before he hangs up his boots, have any cop on at all. Daft bastard. A fucking dino as I said many times before.
    Then that other shower of wankers who pulled all transport-then all business followed,threatened with the health and safety of their workers-dangerous shite this. But can they afford this? Yes because they can borrow more billions to pay for it. Everything closed for “Health and Safety” . Its a joke that a few arseholes can shut down the cuntry. A nanny state for sure. Thats the way its heading and fast. A shower of the laziest fuckers ever,telling people what to do.

  12. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    A few gusts of wind and a few showers ( RTE had a field day- Salthill was the only bit of flooding around and brought the cuntry to a standstill. This area floods every time there is a puff of wind and a high tide.) What a shower of pansies Fine Gael are. Of course Veradkar have a team of Commie Spin merchants now for five million and they got the full day showing off their new emergency S (for shit) team-more jobs for the boys I have no doubt. This was sheer publicity for the imminent election-a full days advertising for the Blueshirt Communists in the making. It was even worse when they ordered the schools close for the following day-happened to be the sunniest we got this year. And not for the first time. Parents had to make arrangements to facilitate child minders in a hurry. Does that stutterin fucker Dick Brutal, who wants be 🙏by the peasants, have any cop on at all. Daft bastard. A fucking dino as I said many times before.
    Then that other shower of wankers who pulled all transport-then all business followed,threatened with the health and safety of their workers-dangerous shite this. But can they afford this? Yes because they can borrow more billions to pay for it. Everything closed for “Health and Safety” . Its a joke that a few arseholes can shut down the cuntry. A nanny state for sure. A shower of the laziest fuckers ever,telling people what to do.
    And did you see O Connell St lately. (The Devils Advocate)

    Not a private car in sight-at 4.30 in the day and an over the top amount of buses going up and down and down and up all day. And the Luas going up and down and down and up all day too. And the fucking lot bankrupt. And the opposition in Fianna Fail are just waiting for a change around so they can have their ministers installed. But most important they want to stay in power. They hated each other for nearly a hundred years and now they are all lovvy dovvy🤮. When will they ever realise how hated they are. Probably too late for them-I predict. And to Sinn Fein who will not go into power with either Communist Party be warned,
    stay as you are until the next recession at least-another few years of this palsy walsy government will collapse their shit system and we can start again afresh.
    Euhoe yis cunts!

    • Cuntegan O Shananagain

      The consequences of marriage affect every aspect of society. It occupies the most intimate aspect of personal privacy and personal love and reaches the pillars of the sacred institutions of a culture. Marriage is the pillar of society, but it is also the PILLAR of government, business, and the military. Marriage cuts to the very heart of a nation. As goes marriage; so goes the nation. It infiltrates every aspect of human life not only for the married but also for the unmarried. When marriages prosper, the nation rises; when marriages fail, the nation falls. Divorce not only rattles the foundation of the judicial system and psychiatry, but, through its influence on children, alters the course of the next generation. Divorces are the steps to the grave of a culture and a nation. The study of culture, corporate or private, is the study of marriage.

      The World Orders intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world’s population by two thirds. While the name New World Order is the term most frequently used today to loosely refer to anyone involved in this conspiracy, the study of exactly who makes up this group is a complex and intricate one. (Obviously the Super rich)
      There will be no middle class, only rulers and their servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited

      • Cuntegan O Shananagain

        Happy New Year all yiz cunts.
        I hear the Palsy Walsy government (although they bombed the arses off one another 100 years ago) are planning to force a pension scheme where you invest your hard cash and may not get back a penny as they will invest it in shit Stocks and Shares and Crypto Coins and in their buddies mad business schemes. You will have to sign an agreement regarding this latest robbery. Of course they are doing this in the UK so it’s grand-the Irish Cunnys are well trained and will do what they are told. Fuck them.
        Chances are your money will be gone long before you retire. The best you can do for now is just pack in your job and draw the dole for twenty or thirty years. At least you will not have your dosh pissed up agin the wall in the Dail Bar. Latest from Leo-he was pro life two years ago-now he’s for removing the 8th. He’s moving on-can you believe a word out of their mouths at all. He’s bumbling a lot lately because he doesn’t actually know what he’s going to say. Kenny and Bertie’s and Cowan still spending your hard earned cash along with all the civil servants and bankers with top pensions having a laugh.
        Bye Bye cunnies

  13. Cuntegan O Snanagan

    Here we go again Orange Warning maybe changing to a Red Warning later in the week. Well I hope to God that this time we get six feet of snow that lasts for three months to shut these doom and gloom gobshites up. Other countries that have snow just get on with it and do their work as normal. The Gov here want everything to close down so they can go home too and put their feet up-lazy fuckers. The poor lads need all the rest they can get before the abortion referendum-but when they lose the PalsyWalsie Gov wont have time for an election so they will stagger on to the next budget-very convenient for them. Absolutely useless-definitely the worst in history. At least half of these will lose their seats to Sinn Fein though I predict.

  14. Cuntegan O Snanagan

    Here we go again Orange Warning maybe changing to a Red Warning later in the week. Well I hope to God that this time we get six feet of snow that lasts for three months to shut these doom and gloom gobshites up. Other countries that have snow just get on with it and do their work as normal. The Gov here want everything to close down so they can go home too and put their feet up-lazy fuckers. The poor lads need all the rest they can get before the abortion referendum-but when they lose the PalsyWalsie Gov wont have time for an election so they will stagger on to the next budget-very convenient for them. Absolutely useless-definitely the worst in history. At least half of these will lose their seats to Sinn Fein though I predict.

  15. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    I Had to laugh the other day when I saw that only two companies quoted for Broadband and one pulled out because it just wouldn’t be worth it. The same story all over the Republic-no one bothering to quote especially in the Publc Sector where the “REPUBLICAN VALUE FOR MONEY GOVERNMENT”are ranting on about prices. “it’s not worth the hassle-if you supply the goods you pay half the profit to Revenue and the other half in Sponsorship to some golf outing or some other charity organized usually civil service people forced into it by senior management. This country is riddled with too many government approved charities where proceeds from events should be paid for by the government anyway, that’s their fucking job-but no, there nothing left when they take their snouts out of the bucket after their latest mad school building schemes and the likes-mostly built for show and also they just love “unveiling the plaque” at the opening ceremony-gobshites.
    Where are they getting the goods so? From North and from the UK. And what will happen when all the business in the Republic close-who will built all the schools then and keep the civil service going and pay the dole and pay the pensions. Not me mofos. But carry on cunnies-your end is near.
    There was no need for Sinn Fein to blatantly come out for the yes vote.
    Cunnies-For fucks sake stop charging €100 in A and E
    Cunnies-For fucks sake stop charging for parking in Public Hospitals.
    YeeHaa all his Cunns

    • Cuntegan O Shananagain

      “Fifth thou shalt not kill”. That means you Mofo. You kill a living being-you commit murder-it’s very simple. Nine or ten babies a month? in UK GET ABORTED for CLEFT PALLETTE as it was stated on Prime Time and that sometimes 5 or 6 babies are left on a counter STILL ALIVE after having received their murderous injection in the heart and are still struggling to stay alive. No cunt can deny that. If you want to commit murder do it in the UK. We have enough of murdering bastards in the cuntry without this shit. You will break Gods law if you kill. You are aiding Satan if you kill-DENOUNCE Satan on this occasion (for those who voted for Satan in the last referendum May God forgive them) Don’t make God mad 😡
      Good luck cunnies

      • Cuntegan O Shananagain

        “Men and Women make plans”
        GOD LAUGHS

      • Cuntegan O Shananagain

        Landslide for yes-80% young people voted YES-they were not aborted-good for them.. Next stop Euthanasia for over 65s ( most of these voted no) Might as well continue now with Hitlers plan and kill off disabled, sick people, drug addicts, Jews, all Naysayers, people permanently on the dole, all murderers and rapists, people not going to Mass or, in general, anyone not doing what the government says.Three cheers for the YES MEN-this is the “ time of the signs”

      • Cuntegan O Shananagain

        “Even if you can find 30% I will spare the city”-so we are saved again-for now!. When the over 65s die off there won’t be even 10 left that are not an abomination against God. That’s when the shit hits the fan and I can’t see it can lasting more than ten years at the speed it’s going. The trouble is most of these people “threw out the babies with the bath water”. They liberally told the Religious to fuck off but now they don’t believe in ANY GOD. That’s exact what Satan wants you to believe “THAT HE DOES NOT EXIST EITHER” NO GOD-NO DEVIL. WE WILL DO WHAT WE LIKE-we will screw how we like and in what hole we like like, man or beast.

  16. Cuntegan O Shananagain


  17. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    The accused was granted legal aid for four barristers including a “documents counsel” to handle the paperwork in the case. The defence requested this so it would have “parity” with the State’s four prosecution barristers.
    David Drumm case
    Great Cuntry

  18. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    David Drumm will no doubt be cleared of the charges against him and rightly so-he is “one of them” so why not. At least that has been the experience of the past. The real culprits are the system which cost this paltry cuntry millions in legal fees-17 weeks trial and David with four barristers-what a shithole Ireland has become.

  19. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    I can see Drumm next week in all the legal haunts around Dublin and the judges, barristers and solicitors etc slapping him on the back and buying him drink to beat the band. Why not- their pockets will be well lined after 17 weeks. This is RIP IRELAND at its best.

  20. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    Glad to see that France have signed up Paddy Jackson. Below is the narrow minded IRFU AND ULSTER RUGBY statement. I have proved my point once more that Ireland is NO 1 shithole.

    Jackson was also cleared of sexual assault.
    Today’s statement, issued at precisely 11am, by the IRFU and Ulster Rugby, said: “Following a review, conducted in the aftermath of recent court proceedings, the Irish Rugby Football Union and Ulster Rugby have revoked the contracts of Patrick Jackson and Stuart Olding with immediate effect.”

    “In arriving at this decision, the Irish Rugby Football Union and Ulster Rugby acknowledge our responsibility and commitment to the core values of the game: Respect, Inclusivity and Integrity.”

  21. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    Glad to see that France have signed up Paddy Jackson. Below is the narrow minded IRFU AND ULSTER RUGBY statement. I have proved my point once more that Ireland is NO 1 SH

    Jackson was also cleared of sexual assault.
    Today’s statement, issued at precisely 11am, by the IRFU and Ulster Rugby, said: “Following a review, conducted in the aftermath of recent court proceedings, the Irish Rugby Football Union and Ulster Rugby have revoked the contracts of Patrick Jackson and Stuart Olding with immediate effect.”

    “In arriving at this decision, the Irish Rugby Football Union and Ulster Rugby acknowledge our responsibility and commitment to the core values of the game: Respect, Inclusivity and Integrity.”

  22. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    A man told me today that he was pulled near Dublin the other day for a random breath test AND a lengthy drug test. The guy drinks very little and never used drugs. The lady cop, enjoying her power trip as most cops do, especially the cuntry cops who didn’t do all that well at school, looked over his, almost new car, obviously looking to collect a few bob for the shithole state but found nothing. That humpback gimp Ross and the RSA are behind all this shit. They need the money to pay for more guns-well,we had enough of guns 100 years ago, and soon will be like the United Stasi of America cops who are ignorant money grabbing violent bullies (but only when they have two or three guns strapped on)They are most hated people in the US. Don’t let this shit happen here or their might be another civil war.

  23. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    Another disaster in the schools building programme-(Fine Gael and the Republican Fianna Fáil are great for getting “Value for Money”- IN ENGLAND) The English company Carillion they employed went bust-and now the Irish Sub Contractors are gone into Examinership and a new team will be required to finish the job. But I remember what happened in the Eyre Square years ago -3 million job eventually cost 13 million (when the original contractor went bust) . The PalsieWalsy government are cursed-anything they touch turns to shit. Why did they despise one another for 100 years and now they intend to stay married for as long as they can-JUST TO HOLD ON TO POWER. They only want to suck all they can out of the system. It’s laughable-even the Civil Service, who get good money-have huge income tax to pay-20%-50% but ALL OF THIS -the wages and the tax, is paid by private company workers Apple, Yahoo, Google and thousands of small business (whose numbers are dwindling every day), and VAT which is 23% and Property Tax and Dirt Tax 40% and Inheritance Tax and the rest ad infinitum. Scabby head Noonan was responsible for a lot of this shit and must get another “raise” immediately.
    And the newest “United Stasi of America” way to collect more fines to pay for more guns and tasers is to harass motorists by stopping them looking for a way to find a fault-some are accosting people on bikes or even walking-amazingly the very worst of these men and women are foreigners, Irish, Africans, East Europeans, South Americans, who were terrorized themselves by their former corrupt governments, are now top of the class cunts themselves. Check it out on YouTube.
    I’m off to bed cunts. See you later

  24. Cuntegan O Shananagain

    Meg Hillier
    Taxpayers will be forced to hand over nearly £200bn to contractors under private finance deals for at least 25 years, according to a report by Whitehall’s spending watchdog.

    In the wake of the collapse of public service provider Carillion, the National Audit Office found little evidence that government investment in more than 700 existing public-private projects has delivered financial benefits.

    The cost of privately financing public projects can be 40% higher than relying solely upon government money, auditors found.

    They also disclosed that the government has a £2.6m equity stake in one of Carillion’s major projects – public money that is now at risk.

  25. cuntegan o shananagain

    IRELAND HAS BEEN given its worst ever ranking on a global corruption index.
    It was ranked 25 out of 176 countries, suggesting that corruption is a bigger problem in Ireland than in developing nations including Uruguay and the Bahamas, said Transparency International (TI).

  26. cuntegan o shananagain

    I was wondering if that utter gobshite Ross would, while he is on a roll, ban ANY alcohol at all whilst driving, nothing at all-not a sniff and he also must introduce breath testing in the workplace-breathtesting before mass and testing for second and third level students and teachers before school-testing for tds before they enter the dail-that will be a bit awkward as they spend most of their time in the dail bar babbling about this kinda shit all day- He thinks he is god almighty now and he’s after the legal profession next-of course he’s only saying it-it will never happen because those guys will gut him first and hang him out to dry. all independent tds need to get the shaft in the next election-they are headcase opportunists. this being said Lowry is loved by his flock- ireland simply loves a crook-its very simple-ireland is a crooked as a rams horn,as crooked as they come-ranked 25 out of 176 in the world ratings-even more crooked than a lot of third world countries-this is because the civil war parties ran the show for 100 years and it will be impossible to get rid of ever-my dad was 75 cousin of De Valera’s auntie-and i have a good paying job with six months holidays twice a year and six months sick pay-my nerves are shot with all the steroids, alcohol and tranquilizers i take and with another six months off without pay-ill work from home and a few nixers for a few days a week. anyway yis cunnies keep voting them in until they tell ye AGAIN that they will be closing the banks on monday and the army will surround them and ye cant get your own money out but if ye pay the unsecured bond holders ye will get all the borrowing ye need for another 100 years.

  27. Cuntegan O Shananagan

    Hello Cunnys
    Hope yis are all miserable and closer to suicide in this abominable cuntry where we have government and opposition snuffling out of the the same trough-everything they do is knee jerk or is it knuckle jerk. The companies who are owed millions for work done in six schools will have to picket in September to get their money-I see an injunction was lodged to prevent this which is a fucking scandal-but obviously the judge did what Minister cocknawmper Brutal told him. Would Brutal and the judge not create a shitstorm if their money was stopped. If I lived near enough I would be there to support the picketers and would kick a few arses if they tried to pass me. Dick-pay your bills first before you attempt to build anymore unnecessay schools. Did you see the interesting point made earlier that it costs 40% more to complete any of these PPP projects than from direct government funding. Fat brown CASH TAX-FREE envelopes are being handed round everywhere (tax man note) because of this and the cunnys in government will be long when our grandkids have to pay the piper.

    • cuntegan o shananagan

      Any news on the unfinished six schools-great embarrassment for Dickie Brutal -probably O Brien media has blocked any news as always when it goes agin the blueshirt facists. Michael Ring-Tidy towns- O Joy-more money for teachers, guards and other civil servants-everthing is grand-must be an election on the horizon. Keep the civil servants sweet-give them €3000 extra a year-they will pay half of that in tax-and then they gratefully will vote the civil war government in for another 100 years. But the rest of the population (except the very rich) can fuck off-fucking waste of space-we will give pensioners a token fiver a week. Daft bumbling cunts should be glad we’re not euthanasing them. But thats in the great Fine Gael plan for 2040-we will only do in old Shinners, though. If Finne Fail behave themselves and keep backing us we will look after them too.
      Government still bumbling along pretending they know all about Brexit and hoping UK will allow us to continue to exist by allowing us access to europe across their borders.
      bye bye cunnies-more next week-

      • cuntegan o shananagan

        The three Stooges were in a pub one night. When they had a few dozen drinks they decided they would have a bet that they would, if “he”went for election for the presidency “he” would get the most votes. This is the shite level ireland has become. Another lady who made a speech while looking for a nomination (who said that the “Aras” should become a hunting lodge and the homeless would be hunted) was told to sit down and the Dublin Cunty Cuntcil (once “the dublin CORPORATION) did not give anyone a nomination-because their authority was mocked-bastards. Their days are numbered and the sooner the better. Citizens of ireland-ready yourselves any way you can to get out of the grip of the Finne Fail/Finne Gael 100 year old government. If you want the same shit for another 100 years thats ok too. You deserve everything you get.
        Eeeehaaaa cunns

  28. cuntegan o shananagan

    Lots of works going on in Galway at the moment-they are everywhere-“diggin here and diggin there”-blocking the traffic and most likely doing work that they didnt finish when they half finished the sewerage years ago. Well, there’s a smell of shit in the city since-Galway Shitty we call it. They got some money from the government to protect parts of the city from flooding recently and are probably useing that to fund this work and the Gov got the money from the Central Bank, money they hope they get from Google in five years time and on and on . This Gov- Fine Fall and Fianna Gales are so in love now that they agree to anything as long as it guarantees they stay in power for another few months. The civil servants will vote for one or other so they are safe for now. But they will sink the cuntry into further bankrupcy and they wont be around to pay for this of course.
    The present Gov it seems cannot get anyone to build their own schools and hospitals in the 26 counties-they would rather John Bull gets the work, and anyway if the get their stuffed brown envelopes from across the border or England the tax-man here wont find out. In fact most of the goods bought by the Irish Gov for their “Civil Service” is bought in John Bulls country. Soon there wont be any small business left here.

  29. Cuntegan O Shananagan

    Great news again today in Galway-we have the second worst rat problem in Ireland-Dublin of course is first. The new rat population in galway were banished from Muttom Island years ago to facilitate a sewerage system. They now have been forced to take up residence on the mainland and a good number are in the City Council building. Did the Council rats tell the Mutton Island rats?-sorry lads we have to move you from Mutton in order to build a shit factory. But like everything else they do, the Council rats did not tell the Mutton rats where they would live after this work had taken place. “Ahh sure its fine-those lively rats will swim off to warmer climates, maybe the Aran Islands or the Canarys” The usual THUNK TANK in the Council didnt see any problem. They see it now and urgent action is needed. The problems are piling up: promised flood defenses: that infamous shit smell arond the town and now a huge rat problem.
    But they dont see a problem even when families are disposessed, just knee-jerk action, “ahh throw them into a hotel for a while-it will keep them quiet for another few months-we will promise them before the next election that this will not be allowed to continue and as soon as I get into power again I will personally see that this problem is sorted for good and that everyone will have a roof over their head.”Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

  30. Cuntegan O Shananagan
  31. cuntegan o shananagan

    Leo is mouthing the last few days about the comments on social media being seditious and such. He probably thinking of introducing some kind of dictatorship/censorship on the media generally, to show the his “palsy walsie”
    sheeple how tough he really is, himself and the his Commie ragtag “confidence and supply” gov spending money they dont have. Dont do that Leo until you carefully read Irish history first. The proverbial shit is about to hit the fan and many kinds of groups are evidentally gathering to fix your wagon. Many of these groups have been around before-they did not go away but you havent a clue about that. They have watched patiently to see if things would change somewhat but they only got worse. The people only want to see things improve but sadly all they did was spend recklessely again on huge new schools, massive garda stations and court houses and other government “money grabbing” buildings (public / private partnership builds that cost 40% more than if the money came from government coffers) This “law and order” government must be expecting a lot of “visitors to their new establishments” now since their new motto is “serve and collect” instead of “serve and protect” just like in the States. Everything they do is about more money for them-new taxes geedily concocted years ago by Noonan are now being implimented. All sots of fines and penalties for motorists- half the motorists in the cuntry will be walking by the end of 2020. They will be forced to move into the cities where they pay the highest rents in Europe or else emigrate. Houseowners will be crippled by property tax and eventually millions of renters and owners will be evicted and living temporarily in hotels and working for the gov for peanuts (commie style of course). Thousands more small and medium business will collapse because of the newest push on business to pay wages and to PAY THE TAX on a weekly or montly basis from now on. Noonan?Problem is they might not have the cash-flow to do so. More closures.
    This is on top of the damage the New Ra and will undoubtedly create.

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